UPDATED: 101 More Common Japanese Idioms Volume 3 added!
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Learn Japanese Vocabulary (9 eBook BUNDLE: 30 Day Challenge, 101 Japanese Idioms Volume 1 and 2 and 3, Kotowaza (Proverbs), Sound Words, Memes, Memes vol 2, and Famous Sayings) [DIGITAL DOWNLOAD]
Buy this bundle and get future additions and updates for no extra charge!
What you will get with this bundle offer:
- Kotowaza, Japanese Proverbs, and Sayings
- 101 Common Japanese Idioms Volume 1
- 101 More Common Japanese Idioms Volume 2
- 101 More Common Japanese Idioms Volume 3 NEW!
- Sound Words in Japanese
- Famous Sayings in Japanese
- Beginning Japanese 30 Day Chousen
Learn Japanese Vocabulary through Memes Volume 1
- Learn Japanese Vocabulary through Memes Volume 2
An AMAZING Value: The full 108-page book as an ebook + 150 sound files! This pack covers FIFTY of the most powerful and extremely useful Japanese proverbs with sound, examples, and explanations. Each example sentence has both a slow and regular speed version sound file.
- Fifty Useful Japanese Proverbs
- Literal English translations and similar English proverbs are given
- Helpful notes explain grammar and background
- An Example sentence shows how the proverb is used
- Vocabulary defined for every Japanese word
- For Beginners up
- FREE MP3s (download link found on the last page)
- An eBook in Flash for interactive study and listening
- A 108 Page PDF (for printing or onscreen study)
- A slow recording of each example sentence
- A normal speed recording of each example sentence
- Works with PCs or Macs
- NEW! Includes Kindle and ePub formats for reading on any ebook reader
- ePub works on Android devices with FBReader and possibly other EPUB book reader apps.
- Includes a free Anki flashcard deck with a sound
A $4.99 Value!
Learn 101 useful Japanese idioms. What happens if your mouth is heavy? Or if you use people with your chin? Or when you grind sesame? Find out all about these idioms and much more. Beginners can get a lot out of this product, but hiragana and very basic Japanese is recommended.
Printable PDF
Over 300 MP3s with each phrase and example sentence
Works on both PCs and Macs
ePub eBook version for eBook apps and devices
- Free Anki flashcard deck
A $4.99 Value!
How about more common and useful Japanese idioms? You got it! The next volume in the Idiom series covers an additional 101
175 pages (PDF)
The Digital download includes the book as a PDF and ePub, sound files of all the idioms (just the idioms, just the example sentences, and a folder of sound files with both plus English), and an Anki flashcard deck of all the idioms.
The Paperback also includes the Digital Download
Works on both PCs and Macs
A $4.99 Value!
How about more common and useful Japanese idioms? You got it! The next volume in the Idiom series covers an additional 101
124 pages (PDF)
The Digital download includes the book as a PDF and ePub, sound files of all the idioms (just the idioms, just the example sentences, and a folder of sound files with both plus English), and an Anki flashcard deck of all the idioms with sound and the example sentences also with sound.
Works on both PCs and Macs and mobile devices
A $4.99 Value!
Learn ninety-nine important Giongo and Gitaigo (onomatopoeic expressions) in Japanese. Japanese uses these fun sound words more often than English most of the time. This ebook covers ninety-nine of the most useful of these sound words and an example sentence to show context.
- 108 Page PDF
- Includes ePub & Mobi files
- 99 MP3s with every Japanese sound word and its example sentence
A $4.99 Value!
ABOUT: Beginning Japanese 30 Day Chousen
One lesson a day for 30 days. Begin each day with a proverb, saying, or idiom. Master an important kanji, and then breakdown a sentence to help with your reading, vocabulary, listening, kanji, and even pronunciation.

- 122 Page PDF
- Includes ePub & Mobi files
- 120 MP3s with every Japanese sound word and its example sentence
A $4.99 Value!
ABOUT: Learn Japanese Vocabulary through Memes
Memes. They are everywhere these days. A meme is most often an humorous image with text that is spread rapidly by internet users. We think funny memes can be a good way to learn vocabulary and Japanese sentence structure.
- 114 Page PDF
- Includes ePub & Mobi files
- 50 memes with funny sayings in Japanese
- 50 MP3 sound files
- Example sentences
- Literal and more natural translations so you can gain a better understanding of Japanese sentence structure.
- Every word defined and grammar explained
A $4.99 Value!
ABOUT: Learn Japanese Vocabulary through Memes Volume 2
Memes. Japanese vocabulary learning made fun again. Enjoy 50 more side-splitting (well, for Clay anyway) images and sentence breakdowns.
- 115 Page PDF
- Includes ePub & Mobi files
- 50 memes with funny sayings in Japanese
- 50 MP3 sound files
- Example sentences
- Literal and more natural translations so you can gain a better understanding of Japanese sentence structure.
- Every word defined and grammar explained
A $4.99 Value!
In all, this sells for $44.91 normally. Get it today for a deep discount.
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- These books are available on Amazon